If your degree requires a thesis or dissertation, your degree is not complete until you turn in the final dissertation and signatures. These are due no more than 60 calendar days after your defense.
The academic requirements for all OUHSC graduate degrees are detailed in the Graduate College Bulletin and program handbooks. In brief, these include:
Graduating students must complete an Application for Graduation (Diploma) before their degree can be conferred and a diploma issued.
The Application for Graduation does not register you for the graduation ceremony. Refer to the sections below for details about the graduation ceremony.
The Application can be accessed through Student Self-Service at www.gohsc.ouhsc.edu. The Application is available within 1 week after the start of the semester.
The Application due date is listed on the OUHSC Academic Calendar under "Graduate and Related Requirements". If you miss the deadline, you may still graduate, but your information in the Commencement Program may not be accurate. If you miss this deadline, contact the Graduate College.
You must complete the Application in the semester of your graduation, even if you have previously submitted an Application.
There is no penalty if you apply, then graduate in a later semester. There is no fee for graduation.
Refer to the OUHSC Academic Calendar for the exact date.
Official transcripts are released by the Office of Admissions and Records upon written request of the student, except when a student has a financial indebtedness to the University.
The name on the diploma must match the student’s name on record with the University. If the student’s name changes for any reason and they request the new name printed on their diploma or in the commencement book, they must submit a Name/Address Change Form to Admissions and Records along with legal documentation confirming the change. If it will not change until after the graduation application deadline, they should submit their current name by the deadline and update it after the name is legally changed.
Before your diploma arrives, the Graduate College can provide a letter stating your progress toward the degree requirements:
To request a letter, e-mail the Consent for Recommendation form to the Graduate College.
Please note that the University confers all degrees on the final day of the semester, even if you complete the degree requirements early in the semester. Refer to the OUHSC Academic Calendar for the exact date.
Alumni of the OUHSC Graduate College are eligible for a free OU alumni e-mail address. Visit https://itnews.ou.edu/alumni-email/ for instructions.
Alumni play a special role in ushering students along the path to successful careers in research, leadership, public service, and non-traditional fields. The graduate experience at OUHSC is richer because of alumni who mentor upcoming students, lead workshops, provide interdisciplinary learning, and fund scholarships that make graduate education more accessible.
As you step into the role of an alum of the OUHSC Graduate College, we invite you to connect with us on social media or by e-mail. We look forward to hearing from you as your career develops!
For questions regarding the ceremony, contact:
Annie Dowdy
Phone: (405) 271-2085 E-mail: Annie-N-Dowdy@ouhsc.edu
Students must have regalia to participate in graduation ceremonies. Details for ordering regalia are coming soon.
Graduate Faculty will need regalia to participate in graduation ceremonies. Details on ordering will be coming soon.
Academic regalia are the traditional dress for all degree candidates participating in College Convocations, as well as the university-wide Commencement ceremony. The colors of tassels, hoods and robes symbolize degrees earned and the graduate’s area of study.
The University of Oklahoma is proud to celebrate OU graduates with the OU Seal on the left chest of the bachelor's and master's gowns. The doctoral gowns include crimson bars of velvet on the sleeve and a crimson facing of velvet down the front.
The Academic Hood is a traditional accessory associated with graduate degrees and graduating with honors. MS and PhD hoods are presented to degree recipients during the convocation ceremony as a symbol of the honors and responsibilities of their degree.
Tassels are worn on the right front side before degrees are conferred. Move your tassel to the left front side once degrees are conferred. Persons receiving two degrees may either choose one tassel to wear or, as an alternative, wear a black tassel. Master's and Ph.D. candidates may correctly march in the processional with their tassels on the left signifying their previous degree or degrees.
Graduate College: (All Master's Degrees) Black
Graduate College: (All Doctorate Degrees) Gold Bullion
Among the most elaborate regalia on display at Commencement is that of the doctoral degree candidates. PhD graduates wear a long hood, faced with blue velvet. The colors used in the lining of the hood and the velvet stripes on the arms represent the University granting the degree. In place of the mortarboard, doctoral students wear a tam, a velvet hat with a gold tassel. For those pursuing careers in academia, doctoral regalia may be worn many times following the degree recipient's own graduation.
Master’s degree candidates wear a modified gown with longer sleeves, the mortarboard with a tassel, and a hood. The Master's hood is faced with yellow velvet, and lined with University colors.
Students may be awarded additional stoles and cords based on their membership or participation in organizations. Please consult with your organization's president or adviser to determine if there are stoles or cords and available as well as where they can be purchased or picked up.