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Accessing Help

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Support for a Healthy Training Environment

Graduate Program Director and Department Chair (Academic and mentoring issues)

Graduate Program Directors are often the first line of help for mentoring and academic issues. They are listed below, from the Graduate College Bulletin, Section 2.3.  The chair of your academic department can also be a resource in this area. 


We also welcome you to contact the Graduate College. We are here to help guide, support, and advocate for you. Graduate Student issues are handled by Dean Anne Pereira and Assistant Dean Rebecka Bourn. Postdoc issues are handled by Dean Anne Pereira, Associate Dean Nathan Shankar, and Assistant Dean Amy Tucker. 


University Ombudsperson (Express concerns and resolve conflicts)

At the most fundamental level, an ombudsperson is one who assists individuals and groups in the resolution of conflicts or concerns.

The university ombudsperson functions independently of all administrative and academic offices to ensure OU community members across all three campuses have an impartial, confidential space to express concerns, seek guidance and constructively resolve conflicts.

  • With the help of the ombudsperson, individuals can manage and resolve conflicts within the university community early, informally and at the lowest level possible, often without the need to pursue formal proceedings.
  • Contact the University Ombudsperson as a first step, or as a last resort, or anywhere along the way. Share your concerns, evaluate your situation, and identify options for moving forward.
  • Use of our services is voluntary and free. Visitors will find our office a safe place to discuss their concerns, no matter how large or small.
  • The University Ombudsperson serves all faculty, staff and students at the Norman, OU Health Sciences, and OU-Tulsa campuses.

Employee Assistance Program (Counseling and other professional services)

Graduate Assistants and their household members are eligible for the OU Employee Assistance Program. Services are free and confidential. 

Some of the available services include:

  • Professional counseling services (6 sessions per incident)
  • Legal and financial consultation
  • Life coaching
  • Webinars (recorded and live)
For details, call the OU Magellan member help line (1-800-327-5043) or visit 

OUHSC BIT: Behavioral Intervention Team (Report concerning behaviors)

If a person is an immediate threat to themselves or someone else or is incapable of caring for themselves, call (405) 271-4911.


If the behavior of a student, faculty, or staff member raises concerns about their safety or the safety of others, you can contact the OUHSC Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT). The OUHSC Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) is focused on providing caring, preventive, early intervention to promote the safety and well-being of individuals on campus and the HSC campus community.


There are several ways to report a concern to the HSC Behavioral Intervention Team:

OUHSC Student Counseling Services (Confidential counseling in-person and by telehealth)

HSC Student Counseling Services offers both in-person and telehealth video-conferencing appointments to OUHSC students and residents in Oklahoma.

Group sessions and one-on-one counseling are available. Counseling in other languages is available for students whose first language is not English. 

Student Counseling Services offers access to over 150 brief, effective educational modules and self-help practice tools through TAO Connect

Accessibility and Disability Resources

OUHSC Students are responsible for contacting the Accessibility and Disability Resource Center to request accommodations. 

Graduate Assistants can request employment accommodations through OU Human Resources. These are not a substitute for student accommodations through the Accessibility and Disability Resource Center.