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Graduate Student Association

The Graduate Student Association membership includes all students pursuing post baccalaureate degrees in the Graduate College at University of Oklahoma Health Sciences. The organization's mission is to improve student academic conditions and create an organization of the local, regional, and national graduate student community. 

2024-2025 GSA Members

Name Program Office
Marisa Bickel Cell Biology President
Michaela Vance Cell Biology VP/Secretary
David Bolade Occupational & Environmental Health Treasurer
Alyssa Wheeler Biochemistry & Physiology Community Service Chair
Alex Arreola Pathology Social Chair
Rose Johnson Cell Biology PR Chair
Estefania Valencia Rincon Pathology GREAT Chair
Panini Patankar Pharmaceutical Sciences GREAT Vice Chair
Kaitlyn Hill Physiology Pre-GREAT Workshop Chair
Nasim Haider Cell Biology GREAT Career Development Chair
Felix Asare Cell Biology IDPE Chair

Haneen Makhlouf

Aishwarya Muppala

Biochemistry & Physiology

Biochemistry & Physiology

GSA Senator

GSA Senator

Dr. Nathan Shankar Graduate College Graduate College Faculty Representative
Annie Dowdy Graduate College Graduate College Staff Representative



  • To further the academic and career development of all graduate students on the OUHSC campus.
  • To provide graduate students with an opportunity to provide input into the governance of the Graduate College
  • To provide a forum for graduate students to present their research results and to obtain travel funds to attend scientific meetings through the Graduate Research Education and Technology Forum and GSA sponsored travel awards.
  • To provide a social and support network for graduate students on the OUHSC campus.


Governance is vested in the Graduate College Student Board composed of elected representatives for each of the six professional colleges who serve for one academic year. Meetings, open to all Graduate students, are held monthly on the first Thursday each month at noon.

Annual Events

Orientation & Welcome Event

The 2024 Welcome Event will be held on August 22nd in the Faculty Atrium at the Bird Library.  This orientation event is open to all new and existing graduate students and postdocs and serves as an opportunity to hear from campus partners and student organizations along with our Dean and Vice Provost.  Trainees can learn more about the Graduate College and campus resources while also enjoying the opportunity to meet with peers.  All new graduate students will receive their Graduate College hoodie, marking the beginning of their graduate journey which will ultimately end with them being hooded at convocation.  

International Student Lunch & Fall Check-In

The International Student Lunch & Fall Check-In will be held on October 15th in the Faculty Atrium of the Bird Library.  This event is open to all new and existing International graduate students and serves as an opportunity to hear from OU's College of International Studies and HSC Student Affairs. This also serves as an open Q&A and an opportunity to share concerns and ideas for how we can best support our International students.

Fall Festival

This event will be held on November 19th in the Library Atrium and is open to all new and existing graduate students and postdocs. Fall Festival is a pure social event filled with fun, games, and prizes.

Winter Festival

The Winter Festival will be held on December 12th in the Library Atrium. Refreshments and games provided for all graduate students and postdocs. 

Graduate Research Education and Technology Symposium (GREAT)

GREAT is an acronym for Graduate Research Education And Technology Symposium hosted by the OUHSC Graduate College and the OUHSC Graduate Student Association. For the past 49 years, students at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center have showcased their original research at the GREAT Symposium. Students and postdoctoral fellows compete for travel grants to present their research at national scientific meetings.  Students can also participate in the Flash Talk Competition and GREAT Debate, and enjoy other GREAT events including pre-GREAT workshops which emphasize communication and presentation skills along with featured speakers and the Keynote Address.  

SAVE THE DATE: GREAT 2025 - April 1-3, 2025

GSA Documents