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GREAT Symposium

Who: Students, Postdocs, Faculty, Campus & Community Partners



WhatThe annual Graduate Research Education and Technology Symposium


The GREAT Symposium provides trainees the opportunity to showcase individual research and gain experience communicating its importance to both specialized and general audiences. Students and postdoctoral fellows compete for travel grants as well as cash prizes for select events.  In addition to poster & oral presentations, GREAT includes the Flash Talk Competition, in which participants strive to master their scientific storytelling ability with a 3-minute elevator pitch, communicating the who/what/why of their research to a diverse and non-specialized audience.  The interdisciplinary GREAT Debate is the newest addition to the GREAT slate of events. The Debate involves 2 teams, each comprised of student representatives from HSC's 7 colleges, arguing in favor of or against a pre-determined topic pertaining to the biomedical and healthcare arenas. Ultimately, audience members cast their vote to select the winning team and overall best speaker. GREAT also includes Career Development panels and special speakers along with the Keynote Address and Awards Ceremony, all of which are determined by a student-led committee.



When: TBD


Where: TBD


How to Participate:

All students are encouraged to submit an abstract for either an oral presentation or poster presentation, and/or participate in the Flash Talk competition. Graduates in a postdoctoral position must elect to participate in the postdoctoral fellow competition for these events. Please review Instructions for Abstract Submissions available here.  Access the submission portal here.

Instructions for Presenters: Submission Portal open TBD

Oral Presentation Instructions

Poster Presentation Instructions

Flash Talk Instructions