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Faculty Resources

Faculty Operating Procedures

The Faculty of the Graduate College of the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center has adopted Operating Procedures to assist in the orderly conduct and governance of the affairs of the Graduate College, to facilitate the performance of faculty duties and obligations, and to protect the rights and privileges of the Faculty in accordance with the policies, rules, and regulations of the Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma.

In order to maintain compliance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), any faculty member who writes a letter of recommendation that includes personally identifiable information obtained from a student or alumnus’ education record (grades, GPA, class rank, how performed on comprehensive or general exam, how performed in the laboratory, etc.), should obtain signed Authorization from the student.  This may be in the way of an email from the student or alumnus stating they grant you authorization to release this information or you may use the form linked above.

RCR and IDP descriptions for grant applications

 These documents can be adapted for use when a granting body requires a description of the OUHSC policy for graduate students and post-docs in:

Information on OUHSC RCR courses

Program Review

Educational units within universities require regular scrutiny and self-examination to improve, and the systematic review of academic programs is an integral part of this process of improvement. The purpose of program review is to improve quality education in the State of Oklahoma by strengthening established programs and eliminating or upgrading those which fail to meet acceptable standards.

In accordance with the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Policy, all graduate degree-granting programs at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center are subject to regular review. Reviews for graduate programs are under the jurisdiction of the Graduate Council and are administered by the Dean of the Graduate College.

Educational units within universities require regular scrutiny and self-examination to improve, and the systematic review of academic programs is an integral part of this process of improvement. The purpose of program review is to improve quality education in the State of Oklahoma by strengthening established programs and eliminating or upgrading those which fail to meet acceptable standards.

OUHSC Faculty Handbook

The Faculty Handbook is a summary of information concerning the University of Oklahoma and the Health Sciences Center’s policies, procedures, organization, and benefits. The information contained in the Handbook is current at the time of publication but may change from time to time by action of appropriate segments of the University. As changes are made, they will be announced in University publications. Employees are responsible for verifying that any information to which they refer is current. Up-to-date and complete information may be obtained from the offices of the Senior Vice President and Provost and Human Resources.

Academic Program Council Information

Concerns about Student Misconduct/Unprofessional Behavior

Ethical behavior is expected in all educational, laboratory, and clinical settings.  Failure to meet expected ethical and professional standards may result in actions from meeting with the student to discuss their actions, filing of a Professionalism Concerns Report (PCR),  to dismissal from the program, dependent upon the egregiousness of the behavior.  The purpose of filing a PCR is educational with the goal of professional development and the objective to document the activity, articulate expectations, and identify actions to be taken.   For the campus policy and procedures, go to:

Oklahoma State Regents Program Forms


When does a course have to be submitted to the Graduate Curriculum Review Committee to be approved for the upcoming semester?

  • April 1 for fall courses
  • November 1 for spring courses​

When does the HSC Academic Program Council (APC) meet?

  • APC meets the first Thursday of each month

May I chair a Graduate student's PhD committee as an associate member?

  • Yes, a Level 4 Graduate Faculty appointment permits chairing a doctoral committee with approval of the degree granting program.

Can a junior faculty member be appointed as Level 4?

  • Yes, with support of the graduate program director or liaison. The program or liaision should substantiate why the junior faculty member should be considered for a Level 4 position.

How do I become a temporary Graduate Faculty member?

  • The temporary appointment process is initiated by the department chair or graduate liaison. Please consult the graduate representative for your desired department.