Parent Page: Faculty & Research id: 27643 Active Page: ORAid:27877

Office of Research Administration (ORA)

The Office of Research Administration is the central resource for both Oklahoma City and Tulsa Health Sciences Centers for research and service contracts. ORA houses the Faculty Information and Networking Directory (F.I.N.D). searchable database that lists campus faculty and their research interests and the Institutional Regulatory Offices, the institutional offices that serve to ensure that all research is conducted safely and with the highest ethical standards.

The Office of Research Administration (ORA) serves as a central resource to faculty and staff of both the Oklahoma City and Tulsa Health Sciences Center campuses for all aspects of research and service contracts.

What Does ORA Do?

  • Reviews, negotiates, and executes all basic research, clinical research, public service, professional service agreements and most provider and affiliation agreements.
  • Serves as the institutional liaison with external agencies and organizations on all research administration and service contract matters.
  • ORA has Institutional signature authority for submission of grants and execution of research and service-related contracts.

The ORA Team Can Help You With:

  • Information on funding sources
  • Assistance in submitting proposals to external sponsors
  • Review of budgets
  • University compliance forms and policies
  • Federal, state and sponsor requirements
  • Negotiation of research and service contract