Parent Page: Career Development id: 27642 Active Page: Seminar Seriesid:27819

Workshops & Seminar Series

In addition to working to ensure rigor in academics and research training, the Graduate College aims to assist Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Research Fellows in developing a comprehensive skill set.  Our career development programming is open to students and postdocs from all disciplines and colleges at OUHS and is intended to prepare trainees for success in a multitude of career paths.

Focus areas include:

  • Effective Communication for specialized & general audiences
  • Scientific Writing: Manuscripts, Grants & Funding Proposals
  • Interdisciplinary Training
  • Teamwork, Collaboration
  • Career Spotlights
  • Career Preparation (CVs, resumes, interviews, networking)
  • Resiliency & Wellness
  • STEM Promotion/Science Advocacy, Community Outreach
  • Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Commercialization
  • Teaching: Preparing Future Faculty

The Graduate College hosts workshops throughout the year as well as a monthly seminar series, held the fourth Monday of each month @ 12pm unless otherwise noted. Programming requests and suggestions are encouraged to ensure that programming is relevant and well-utilized!



Dr. Amy Tucker

Annie Dowdy